Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We've entered the 3rd Circle of hell

Or the 3rd day of Insanity. One or the other. Ironically, the 3rd circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno, is "Gluttony". I should probably draw a connection between these two, but instead I'll continue to sit on my sofa and eat the tiny bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs I treated myself with.

Today, as I said was the 3rd day of Insanity. And though I explained it yesterday, many people still had questions about "What the Hell IS Insanity". Insanity is a 60 day workout program, it's almost all cardio, and the workouts are so Insane, if you will, that you are frequently encouraged to stop, take a breath, and get some water. You're not supposed to diet with this, instead you're supposed to up your meal count to 5 small meals a day, all packed with protein. The 5 meals a day thing is because your metabolism is (supposedly) kicked into high gear from these RE-DONKulous workouts. Bottom line- The workouts suck. The "warm-up" today was around 10 minutes. 10 minutes of power jacks, mountain climbers, power squats, and all sorts of other torturous activities that are even more horrible than they sound.

When the actual workout started, I still can't get over the fact that the warm up isn't it, it got worse. I keep thinking, "Hey, maybe this will be the day you can actually do these workouts." I keep being wrong. We did all sorts of evil push-ups. I can't even do ONE push-up let alone, some fancy new take on a push-up.

This is the point in most people's blogs where they say, "I thought I couldn't do it, but I COULD! I did it!" Yep, no, didn't happen. Still can't do a push up. I alternated between girl push-ups, and just sitting there holding my body up, and occasionally laying on the ground. Okay, so a little more than occasionally laying on the ground.- This  is where I'll throw a fellow Insanity friend under the bus and say Caitlyn has about as much upper body strength as me. She looked like she also wanted to die during this part of the day. It makes me feel better to see friends suffer along with me, evil, but true.

BUT, even though I laid on the ground, and whined, and wanted to die, at least I gave it my best and did something instead of napping in my big comfy bed while watching Friends! I just CAN'T WAIT for tomorrow!! And that's because tomorrow is one day closer to my day off. Caitlyn said her thighs hurt, my knees hurt, and I can't remember where Taylor hurts, but everyone should safely assume it's somewhere in his whole body region.

And tonight I'll leave you with some pictures of how we look after a workout. And incase you were wondering the answer is "SEXAY"!!

Say some prayers that we can all move tomorrow, we might need it.

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