Friday, January 20, 2012

Dear Sean T

Dear Sean T-
           I have a few suggestions for you and your workout routines. You can take them or leave them, but if you ask me, I think these suggestions will really help to bring your workouts to a legendary status quite like Jane Fonda reached.

1. Before the workout starts don't look at the camera and tell your devout watchers that you're scared for what is to come in any particular workout. I was already scared enough today. Today was called "Pure Cardio" and as if that wasn't intimidating enough, you had the audacity to state that you were scared for what was to come. I almost quit right then and there. No, really loyal blog readers, I did. That simple statement almost broke me.

2. Quit telling me to dig deeper. It doesn't motivate me, it makes me want to punch you in the face for not coming up with a better slogan. Next time, consult a marketing firm. Or shit, better yet, walk into a college marketing class, there's tons of young whipper snappers out there just gnawing at the bit for a chance to come up with the "next big thing".

3. If you ever tell me again that, "That shit was bananas" I will personally hunt you down and do something horrible to you, like give you a titty twister, or make you repeatedly bang your funny bone on something hard, or even heaven forbid make you eat something fattening.

4. Quit walking around yelling at the students in the class to push it harder, and dig deeper. Bitch- they're still working out, while you're slowly meandering around the room critiquing them. I've made the decision that every time you quit to "motivate" and "critique" your students, I'm going to do the same for Caitlyn and Taylor (Y'all better get ready).

So Sean T. Those are my suggestions, I hope take them into consideration.


PS- Today was day 5. 55 more to go.

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