Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 4- Is it normal for your legs to tremble while you drive?

This is the question I was asking myself as I ran an errand after Insanity today. Today was our "Recovery" day. Again, silly me, I thought, "Recovery day, this should be easy and I can totally rock this shit." I especially thought this after reading a blog that proclaimed "No Cardio on Recovery day!" I was encouraged, I was pumped, I was downright perky when I met my fellow insane asylum mates today.

And then I was crushed. I watched all my hopes and dreams of an easy workout fizzle in front of me as my fellow crazies and I struggled with all of the yoga-like poses and balance/core/evil I don't know what to call them exercises that about damn near killed us.

Taylor, or Evil Overlord as I now refer to him, swears this will make us feel better. I had serious doubts about that as I was driving my car and my leg was literally trembling every time I pushed the accelerator. I mentioned this to Caitlyn and told her that "I'd say my legs are tired" and she responded with, "I almost fell walking down the stairs. I'd say I agree."

Tomorrow is something else that involves cardio and right now I'm wishing I had spent my afternoon huffing and puffing instead of downward dogging. I feel about 99% certain that tomorrow I'll feel differently.

But right now, I am 100% certain of one thing- Margaritas make everything better.

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