Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The World's Ending...

So I thought I'd start a blog. Hoorah!

Hurricanes, Earthquakes, whats next?!

Dinner of course! Food is always the answer to what to do before the world ends. Cook a delicious dinner and have a large glass of wine with it. Food can be the answer to anything. I genuinely love to cook. I love to look up recipes, print them out, lose the print out and just make it up from there.

Cooking is by no means hard! I don't have a fancy kitchen, I don't have fancy kitchen gadgets. I don't buy expensive ingredients. I try to cook decently healthy meals, balancing out casseroles with a nice green salad. Balancing out butter with raw veggies. Cooking for me is a great way to end the day. I would love to tell you cooking is a great way to express yourself, but then myself would be a 500lb obese woman, so I won't go down that road.

My spidey senses must of been in high gear last night (with predicting the end of the world and all) because I realized that I needed to cook something delicious. I found the recipe for last night's concoction on Pinterest- Have you heard of Pinterest? I hope so. It's highly addictive, its a virtual "cork board" if you will. A great place to get ideas for crafts, recipes, weddings and so much more. Trust me, check it out and an hour later after you've wasted time that could of been spent doing actual productive things, you'll thank me for such an interesting site.

Back to dinner. I made Pizza Casserole! It was absolutely delicious! I also had multiple large glasses of red wine with it...wine makes everything better if you ask me.

The Recipe...I followed this one...Pizza Casserole...But I'm not a play by the rules kind of girl so I changed a few things. SO If you would like to try it one night (which I recommend you do, it was given a thumbs up by 3 out of 3 people who tried it) here's what I did!

1.5lbs burger (or ground turkey, or chicken)
1 bag egg noodles
1 Large jar Pasta Sauce (I used Winn Dixie brand pasta sauce-you want the kind in the plastic jar there's more in it)
3 cups Shredded Mozz Cheese
Chopped Onion (optional)

What To Do:
Preheat the oven to 350- Don't be like me..Don't forget to do it.
Brown the burger- This is where I added some pizazz I added season salt, garlic, oregano, parsley and a splash of red wine (I also added some chopped onion for flavor!)
Cook the noodles (Salt the water!)
Layer the casserole!
I followed the above recipe and it went something like...a little sauce...followed by noodles...then burger...sauce...more noodles...cheese...rest of meat...sauce....rest of cheese...the top it with pepperonis.
The order really doesn't matter at all...you're just going for a semi even distribution of ingredients.
Bake covered for 30 min at 350...then uncover and bake for 15 more min. Take it out of the oven and let it set! This will be the hardest part...it will smell delicious...and all the wine you drank has made you hungry...but let it sit there for at least 10 minutes...then dig in!

The Finished Product

Nom Nom Nom! Now what you can't see...this made a TON of casserole. I used a 3 quart casserole dish and it was FULL and heavy. It would probably serve about 4-6 people. We definitely had a LOT of  left overs for Nick's lunch and my dinner while he's at work this week. You can easily half this recipe and use a smaller casserole dish (BTW- most casserole dishes are 2 quart...when in doubt look on the bottom and it usually says the size). Give it a try! Super easy and super delicious!

PS- Watch out for natural disasters. Mother nature seems cranky.

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