Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Books, Movies and Television Oh My!
Don't get me wrong. I think television rots your brain as much as the next person. But does that mean I don't love to watch it? Heck No! I love nothing more than to sit on the sofa flipping through one of the 9 magazines I get every month with some horrible television show like Toddlers and Tiaras on in the background. It's soothing, it's peaceful, it's what I love to do.
Same with movies. My mom (Hey Mom!) is always shocked that I can watch the same movies over and over again. Those are the best movies to watch! Why? You don't have to pay attention. You can clean, fold laundry, cook dinner, anything! It's wonderful. Rainy Saturdays, pop in Practical Magic (if you're anything like the Tripod ladies and I) and do 8 loads of laundry and clean your whole house. Perfect day, you'll just have to trust me on this one.
But I digress, this post started with BOOKS. Which seem to have been forgotten in this new world of technology we find ourselves in. Yes, I too have a Kindle that I have an irrational love for. But, does that stop me from buying actual books, why no, because I'm a crazy book lady. I have three things to say about books:
1. I was an English major, a lot of people assume I sit around reading intelligent novels. EH WRONG. I read the trashiest silliest literature I can get my hands on.
2. Don't be ashamed to read horrible trashy novels, they're the best.
3. I have a horrible habit of reading books that get turned into TV series or Movies and becoming incredibly angry at how the movies don't come close to honoring the great work of literature the book was.

SO, with that being said, if you are looking for something to read that FAR surpassed the movie version or television version, here are a few suggestions!

1. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Now, I must first start by saying, I didn't even go see this movie. But Emily, how can you possibly judge a movie you haven't seen, you ask. My dear friend Laura told me the ending, which was 100% different than the book and I was so pissed I reused to go see it. I went as far to call the family friend (Hey Katherine!) who introduced me to the author to demand she not go see it either. If you've seen the movie, go grab the book. Jodi Picoult is an excellent writer and you will not be disappointed by the book and you too will be angry the ruined such an excellent novel.

2. Any Novel by Nicholas Spark that has been adapted into a movie
These are just a few of the novels written by Nicholas Sparks that are turned into movies. I love Nicholas Sparks for a few reasons. Almost all of his movies are set in the South Carolina/North Carolina coastal region, and they all tell an incredibly sappy love story that inevitably  leave you in tears by the end. All of the movie adaptations of these novels are GOOD but they leave out MAJOR parts of the plots. Start by reading The Last Song (not pictured) it'll make you hate Miley Cyrus more.
3. Pretty Little Liars
I must say, I am TORN on this one. Those of you that know me well, know my sick obsession with this show. You know I text you on commercials, freak out when we get to talk about it, and have a million theories on who "A" could be. Though I love the show, the books are excellent. They are written on about a 9th grade level. Even if you don't like to read, you'll like these. They're horribly trashy, the plot keeps you involved, and you'll be dieing to read the next one. While the books are GREAT, this is the one series I will say I really like the adaptation, the "mystery killer" in the TV series is supposedly different than the novel series, which makes for interesting viewing for readers like myself! Check them out, they're great!

And finally all I have to say is READ. READ READ READ! No matter what it is! Read until you find an author you like. I promise, there are books out there for everyone. Not only does reading stimulate your mind, but it allows you to escape to another world. Whether that world be full of wizards and butter beer or snobby high school girls, you can find yourself in a world much different than your own.

SO- Pick up a book and allow yourself to drift away to another world sometime soon.

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